
I have been privileged to speak to a number of different audiences to share my love of history and teaching. I have spoken to scholarly audiences in the United States, Canada, France, Andorra, and the United Kingdom.

I have been asked in the past to deliver talks, contribute to workshops, and participate in conferences. I have also featured in podcasts, youtube videos, and recorded conference and workshop materials.

I am very happy to speak virtually or in-person to students, fellow academics, or general audiences. Please use the contact me form if you would like to discuss an event.

Upcoming Conferences:


Recent Appearances:

Roundtable: New Directions on Early Modern Scottish Studies, Northeast Conference on British Studies, Hartford, CT: 28 September 2024.

Roundtable: Perils and Promises – Using Digital Tools in the Classroom, H-Net Teaching Conference, Virtual, 21 August 2024.

“A Crisis in Communications: Information and Governance in Scotland (1689-1691),” American Historical Association, San Francisco CA, 5 January 2024.

“Contesting the Waters: The Empire in Infancy and the Irish Sea,” North American Conference for British Studies, Baltimore MD, 11 November 2023.

Invited Appearance, “Truth or Treason? Sources for the Study of Jacobitism,” University of Guelph Special          Collections, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0WKmMZ6BaE&t=1s (2023).

“Crossing Borders: Jacobites, Williamites, and a Navigable Frontier,” Center for Scottish Studies, University of Guelph, 13 February 2023.

Invited Author Interview, BBC Radio Scotland, “Time Travels: Motorbikes and McDonalds” May 2022.